All the Ammonite niceties
All the Ammonite niceties
Almond wraps Ammonite in a Jupyter kernel, giving you all the features and niceties of Ammonite, including customizable pretty-printing, magic imports, advanced dependency handling, its API, right from Jupyter.
This also makes it easy to copy some code from notebooks to Ammonite scripts, and vice versa.

APIs to interact with Jupyter front-ends
APIs to interact with Jupyter front-ends
Almond exposes APIs to interact with Jupyter front-ends. Call them from notebooks… or from your own libraries.
Plotting libraries
Plotting libraries
Several plotting libraries are already available to plot things from notebooks, such as plotly-scala or Vegas.

Spark support
Spark support
Load the spark version of your choice, create a Spark session, and start using it from your notebooks.
IDE-like features
IDE-like features
Almond already supports code navigation in dependencies via metabrowse, paving the way for more IDE-like features and a closer integration with the scalameta ecosystem.

Custom kernels
Custom kernels
Write Jupyter kernels for the language of your choice, in Scala, by relying on the exact same libraries as Almond.